

E-commerce shop for original art work, prints and stickers for Brandon Joseph Baker, an artist and photographer in Oakland, California.

'503 Steiner'

'503 Steiner'


This original 18 x 24 mixed media collage is one of six in Brandon Joseph Baker’s series Painted Ladies. The series was produced and shown in San Francisco in September 2023 at Molotov’s on Haight Street. The piece features symbolic references to “home” in a unique space in Baker’s life. He photographed the popular tourist attraction, the Painted Ladies, on Steiner Street in San Francisco and collaged photographs he captured in his studio of vintage Playboy magazines, skulls, flowers and toys before hand painting elements of the original. Each original in the series is covered in epoxy resin creating a high gloss sheen.

The week of the show opening (9/30 - 10/7) Brandon Joseph Baker is offering 25% off the originals and shipping is included. Originals will ship at the conclusion of the exhibition in December 2023.

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